Attorney Dan Hynes - The New Hampshire DWI GUY Reviews & Testimonials

Our Results speak for themselves. Our Clients speak for us.

Disclaimer: Past results do not guarantee future outcome. Results may not be typical. While I win most DWI cases at trial, it is incredibly difficult to win ALS hearings. 

"I was recently charged with DWI. I hired Dan Hynes as my attorney. I was looking at a two year license loss at my ALS hearing which we won, and we beat that. Now we went to Salem district court for the DWI charge and we got it dropped to negligent driving and I lost my license for 60 days. I recommend Dan Hynes for anyone in this position. He is a great lawyer and easy to work with" "In the past I had a different lawyer, and I was way more pleased with Dan".

"I was arrested for DWI and took a breath test and I ended up going to trial. I couldn't afford to lose my job as I am a business professional. Attorney Hynes went to trial, great defense and I was found not guilty."


"I was arrested for two DWIs The DWI guy got my sentenced reduced to reckless op. for both of them"


"I was in big trouble. I really thought I was going to jail for a year as I was told by other lawyers. And I found Dan Hynes and he did me justice. He got me off the aggravated and I really thought I was looking at a year in jail. He helped me tremendously and I would recommend him to anyone"

"I had another lawyer before I came to court and was becoming quite flustered. I wasn't sure how the outcome of the case was going to be because she made it sound not so optomistic about the outcome of the case. When I got Attorney Hynes I still wasn't sure he would be able to change anything because my previous lawyer pretty much told me my case was pretty much done for. And we was able to lighten my sentence and keep me out of jail"

N.H. DWI GUY 5.0Jeff BioteFebruary 15th 2012"Got my DWI dismissed""I can't thank Attorney Hynes enough for getting my DWI completely dismissed without any license loss as all. The police said I was driving under the influence of drugs and that I failed the field sobriety tests. At the police station another cop had me do additional tests. DWI GUY used his knowledge of dwi drugs to question the officer's opinion and the dwi was completely dismissed"


Will Fight for you


I was charged with DUI and would not accept a guilty plea. Even though the cop said I failed all the tests and had 3 drinks, I was found Not Guilty at trial!

M. J. – Salem District Court December 2010

Saved me thousands of dollars

I was charged with DWI while traveling up in New Hampshire for work. After arrested I refused a breath test. I knew I wasn't drunk, but that a DWI would have a serious affect on my license. I was told Tennessee would take my drivers license for a year for refusing the test, or for a dwi conviction. Attorney Hynes first won at a hearing with the dmv and I kept my license. Then the State agreed to drop the dwi in exchange for a plea to reckless driving. Attorney Hynes was able to let me appear by video and mail for the hearings, so that I did not have to pay to fly back to NH. In the end, he saved me thousands of dollars. You're awesome and a helluva lawyer.


Frankin District Court - June 2011 T.S.


30 Beers + .35 BAC - DWI DISMISSED

I was under 21 and charged with DWI. The police claimed I hit other cars, said I drank 30 beers, and that my blood alcohol content was .35. DWI GUY was able to get the charge completely dismissed.
H.O. - Manchester District Court - December 2010

Won at ALS & Got the DWI Dismissed

I was in a car crash and charged with DWI alcohol and drugs. I refused to give a blood test, told the cop I was drinking , and the cop said I failed the field sobriety tests. DWI GUY showed the cop did not have reasonable suspicion to ask me to take a blood test and I kept my license at the ALS. The state later fully dismissed the DWI.

R K. – Concord DMV - November 2010

Not guilty at trial

I was accused of drinking and driving. I gave a blood test which the police claimed was .14. I couldn't have a dwi conviction on my record, so I didn't want the State's plea offer of a DWI conviction and 9 month loss of license. At trial, after asking the cop only a few questions, I was found not guilty.

P. D. - Nashua NH - September 2010.

Saved Me Years of License Loss

I was arrested for my second DWI. I refused the breath test and was facing 2 year loss of license for it. I was also facing an additional 3 year loss if found guilty for the DWI as well as jail time. Attorney Hynes managed to negotiate it to a first offense DWI with the State dropping the 2 year administrative license loss.

I.L.. - Concord, NH - August 2010

Saved my job

I was charged with DWI alcohol and drugs. I gave a blood test which allegedly showed alcohol, marijuana, and klonopin in my system. I couldn't afford a DWI conviction as I would likely lose my job. Before I hired NH DWI GUY the state trooper offered me a 9 month loss of license if I plead guilty to a DWI. N.H. DWI GUY was able to get the DWI dismissed and reduced to reckless conduct.

Jeff Z. – Portsmouth District Court - October 2010.

Kept me out of jail

"I was charged with Aggravated DWI for driving without a license, getting in a car accident, and giving a breath sample of .20. Attorney Hynes explained to me that if I was convicted there would be mandatory jail time, with up to a year in jail. Thankfully, Attorney Hynes was able to point out potential problems with the breath test, and the prosecutor dismissed the aggravated DWI charge, and I was able to stay out of jail."

D. T. - Nashua, NH

Avoided Being a Habitual Offender

"I was charged with Conduct after an accident for leaving the scene of an accident. I already had a couple of major moving violations, and one more would make me a habitual offender and make me lose my license for at least a year. I was also facing jail time if convicted. Attorney Hynes took the case to trial and I was found not guilty!"

C. M. - Manchester, NH

No License Loss

"I was charged with DWI and refused a breath test. I was facing a mandatory six month loss of license just for refusing the test. Other people told me it was an automatic loss and there was nothing that could be done about it. I called Attorney Hynes and he recommended contesting the issue at a hearing at the DMV. He did that, and at the hearing I won and didn't lose my license for refusing the breath test.

John H. - Concord, NH


"I was charged with a Felony case of Habitual Offender. I was facing a mandatory minimum of one year in prison if convicted. Attorney Hynes was able to convince the prosecutor the charge should only be a misdemeanor, and now I will not have to go to prison.

Steven H. - Manchester, NH

Knows the Law

"I was charged with Driving under the influence of drugs. I was facing a license loss of between 9 months and 2 years. Attorney Hynes' knowledge of the law was able to get the charge completely dismissed and I was found Not Guilty. I did not lose my license!

Kimberly C. – Manchester, NH


Great Negotiation

"I am 19 and was charged with possessing alcohol in a motor vehicle. If convicted I faced a mandatory loss of license. I was also on probation with the DMV and any traffic offense would have violated that and I would have had more of a license loss. Attorney Hynes was able to get the charged reduced to simple possession so I didn't lose my license at all.

Marisa D. - Bedford, NH